Saturday, 31 December 2005

Scottish Art Archive 2005

Clare Henry for Ft, Scotsman, and catalogues etc etc 2005 

7th - Sargent at Brooklyn Museum (draft missing) Ft
14th - Copy for book on Gary Bukovnik published NY, 2005
14th - bio for above Gary Bukovnik book jacket
19th - Rubens at the Metropolitan Ft
15th - Christo The Gates in Central Park   FT
28th - Dali in Philadelphia Museum of Art   Ft
1st - Catalogue essay for R. T. Houban  
7th - Tim Hawkinson at the Whitney   Ft
16th - John Collier, Ground Zero sculpture at St Peter's   FT
23rd - Contemporary Voices: UBS Collection at MoMA  FT
2nd - Laurie Anderson, Tramway Glasgow; Edinburgh & London, Barbican, the Scotsman
8th - Santiago Calatrava: interview re 2 billion World Trade Centre hub & Sculpture into Architecture at the Metropolitan (in October)  Ft
12th - Barbara Kruger at GoMA, Glasgow, the Scotsman
18th - Daniel Buren, Guggenheim  Ft
3rd - Toulouse Lautrec at National Gallery, Washington DC.  Ft
27th - Cezanne & Pissarro MoMA  FT
Max Ernst at the Metropolitan 
16/17th - Chazen Collection, new Museum of Art & Design, FT Weekender  
20th- Underground Fantasy / MTA art at UBS Gallery, NY, FT (original copy missing)  
20th- Cai Guo-Qiang: interview in NYC for Edinbro Festival Black Rainbow, the Scotsman
26th - Cai Guo-Qiang, the Art of Living Dangerously, Mass MoCA, FT  

Autumn issue, State mag. Money in Manhattan: Fundraising for Museums, State Magazine
Russia at the Guggenheim
The S files at Museo del Bario, NY, for ARTnews
Bacon-Picasso by Anne Baldassari / Rizzoli: book review, for ARTnews  
11th - Fra Angelico at the Metropolitan, NYC   FT
18th - Richard Tuttle at Whitney (colour)  FT
Estates Legacies Bequests by Magda Salvesen, book review, State Magazine
29th - Rauschenberg at the Metropolitan  FT