1996 list GSA archive Clare
6 January Book Review, Richard Demarco A life in Pictures
6 Jan Weekender STUDIO series Andrew Brown
6 art guide Volcano Fruitmarket; Turner at SNG; Leith; Call of Wild Transmission.
8 Jan Mon OSCARS: Looking back on 1995
9 January Dalziel & Scullion, CCA Glasgow
13 January (studio series) Tim Hobrough
13 January Book Review, Beryl Cook
13 January Feature: Janey Buchan and gallery shopping
13 January John McNeece ship design
13 January Weekender Art Guide: Inuit Art, Peacock Printmakers Aberdeen, Artists in Isolation, Gracefield Dumfries, Calanais, Talbot Rice Gallery Edinburgh
13 January (for Galleries Magazine) Edward Summerton, Raw Gallery
15 January Gallery of Modern Art Glasgow, Joan Scott
20 January Robert Burns Portraits, Compass Gallery Glasgow, Gracefield Dumfries, MacLaurian Gallery Ayr
20 January Weekender Art Guide: Silk Satin Muslin Rags, Aberdeen Art Gallery, Turner, National Gallery Edinburgh, Freedom, Kelvingrove Glasgow
21 Jan Mon Feature: Art Fairs, Glasgow Art Fair, Art96
27 January (studio series) Peter Chang
27 January Book Review, Fakes by Alice Beckett
29 January Fuse at McLellan Galleries, G
30 January South Bay Company Glasgow
3 February (studio series) Elspeth Lamb
3 February (Weekender Art Guide) Alan Robb, Seagate Gallery Dundee, Gillespie Kidd & Coia, Glasgow School of Art,
3 February Glasgow International Festival of Design
4 ? February (studio series) Polly Hope
5 February Monday Feature: Ian Cook, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall murals
7 February (for Arts Extra) Willie Rodger
10 February (Weekender Art Guide) James Cumming Memorial, McMannus Gallery Dundee, Julia Jeffery, Practice Gallery Glasgow, the Glasgow Show, Art Exposure Glasgow
10? Feb (studio series) Polly Hope
12 February Monday art feature: Sugar Hiccup, Tramway Glasgow
17 February Herald Weekender Art Guide: Frances Walker, Peacock Printmakers Aberdeen, Winter Fruits, Green Gallery Aberfoyle, Have a Heart, Traverse Theatre Edinburgh
17 February Book Review, John Smibert by Richard H. Saunders
19 February Monday feature: Glasgow Print Studios, Scottish Print Open
24 February (studio series) Alan Kitching
24 feb Book review Trompe L'Oeil
20 February (for Galleries Magazine) Glasgow Dream City
20 Feb Art Hits list
February (for catalogue) Highland Printmakers, Inverness
26 February British Art Show, Botanics Edinburgh
29 February (for Arts Extra) Lottery Funding
March (for Arts Extra) Peter Howson profile
2 March Weekender Art Guide) British Art Show, Botanics Edinburgh, Joy & Benn, Glasgow School of Art, New Graduates, Art Exposure Gallery Glasgow
4 March Monday: Gallery Week Scotland, Glasgow Boys & Girls, Ewan Mundy Fine Art Glasgow
9 March Weekender Art Guide) William Kilpatrick, Maclaurian Art Gallery Ayr, RSA Student Show Edinburgh, Colin Brown, The Meffin Forfar
11 March Visual Arts UK Fesitval, Newcastle.
11 March Book review, Cezanne in Provence by Evmarie Schmitt
March (for catalogue) Ruth Beardsworth, Grays School of Art Research Unit
16 March Weekender Art Guide) John Bellany, Peacock Printmakers Aberdeen, Lil Neilson, Seagate Gallery Dundee, Kumar Garg, Open Eye Gallery Edinburgh
18 March Borrowed Light, Public Art Project, Stephen Skrynka, Peter McCaughey
21 March Helen Chadwick Obituary
23 March Weekender Art Guide Lucy Byatt, Aberdeen Art Gallery, Pope & Guthrie, Cyberia Cafe Edinburgh, Ross Sinclair, CCA Glasgow
24 Studio series: Willie Rodger
29 March Book review, Gallery of Modern Art Glasgow by Julian Spalding.
30 March Weekender Art Guide) Davy Brown, Ottersburn Gallery Dumfries, Andrew Squire, Gallery 41 Edinburgh, Gallery of Modern Art Glasgow Opening
1 April The Greeks, Venice Palazzo Grassi, Venice; Flash Art Museum Trevi; Spoleto
6 Apr Gardens
8 April Sculpture at Goodwood
15 April Glasgow Art Fair
16 April Galloway's Beaten Path George Square Banners Glasgow
26 April Gallery of Modern Art Glasgow, Lord Provost's Prize
20 April Hits: Appleby & MacFarlane, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Petretti & Awlson, Open Eye Gallery Edinburgh
22 April Book review, Studios of Frances and Margaret Macdonald by Janice Helland
24 April (for Arts Extra) Peter Howson
27 April Row over Mackintosh show at Mclellan Galleries
27 April Morgan Hall, James Dun House Aberdeen, Kinross Scholars, Italian Institute Edinburgh
27 Saturday News Scottish Arts Council collection to be disbanded plus TV / Clare and Kirsty Wark.
May for catalogue) on Transmission gallery
2 May George Wyllie, Safety Pin sculpture Trongate Glasgow
2 may News: GOMA pediment 200,000 Lottery; no planning permission!
6 May Roland Forbes appointed head of painting Dundee School of Art
4 May Weekender Art Guide) George Wyllie, Trongate Glasgow, Roland Forbes, Nancy Smillie Gallery Glasgow
5 May Row over Charles Rennie Mackintosh exhibition
11 May Weekender Art Guide It Comes Out in the Wash, Green Gallery Aberfoyle, Conclusive States, Fruitmarket E
14 May Post Office Gallery, National Gallery of Scottish Art Edinburgh
12 May RIAS, East Campbell Street Studios Glasgow, Kathryn Findlay; Jacki Parry, Gallowgate Studios, Stirling.
18 May, Sat Feature:Charles Rennie Mackintosh, McLellan Galleries Glasgow
18 May Weekender Art Guide) Robert Thompson, Bellshill Academy, Borrowed Image, City Arts Centre Edinburgh
20 May Monday art: Mary Smith McCulloch, Edinburgh Printmakers, Lennox Paterson, Ewan Mundy Fine Art Glas.
21 may Russian palaces at Hunterian museum
25 May Weekender Art Guide) Ruth Bearsworth, Peacock Printmakers Aberdeen
27 May Book review, Glasgow in Transition
May (for catalogue) May Cale, Sunil Gawde Gallery London.
30 May The Queen: portraits Herald commissions
mayfest Bad blood/ Adrian Wiszniewski and Alison Watt letter
1 June Weekender Art Guide) Awash with Colour, National Gallery Edinburgh, Earl Haig, Scottish Gallery Edinburgh, 20th Century Scottish, Duncan Miller Glasgow, Roger Palmer, Collins Gallery Glasgow
3 June Alberto Giacometti, Gallery of Modern Art Edinburgh
8 June Weekender Art Guide Memento Mori, Greenside Cemetery Alloa, Rodella Purvis, City Arts Centre Edinburgh, Ethel Walker, Gatehouse Gallery Glasgow
8 June Weekender - book review, Glasgow in Transition Herbert Whone at G Concert Hall
9 June Portes Ouvertes Art Contemporain, Switzerland Geneva, David Mach, Banque Suisses
10 June Weekender Art Guide: Back From Paris, French Institute Edinburgh, Bridget Riley, Glasgow Print Studios
15 june Art hits.
16 June Bridget Riley profile, Glasgow Print Studio
18/31 June Earl Haig profile
22 June Weekender Art Guide Duncan of Jordanstone Degree Show Dundee, Edinburgh College of Art Degree Show
22 June Doctors and Art Portraits from the Royal College of Physicians
22June/6 july Book review, The Art of Craigie Aitcheson
24 June Glasgow School of Art Degree Show
29 June Book review, Cadell by Tom Hewlett
29 June Weekender Art Guide) Treasures in Trust, Pittencrieff House Museum Dunfermline, David Donaldson, Talbot Rice Edinburgh, Niek Kemps, Tramway Glasgow
31 june Monday feature; Earl Haig profile,
6 July Weekender Art Guide Edna Whyte, Maclaurin Gallery Ayr, Four Decades, East Kilbride Arts Centre, McIntosh & Law, Open Eye Gallery Edinburgh, Bad Girls, Collective Gallery Edinburgh
13 July Weekender Art Guide, Scottish Bestiary, Aberdeen Art Gallery, Lenaghan & More-Gordon, Kingfisher Gallery Edinburgh, Earth and Everything CCA Glasgow
22 July Degas, National Gallery London
22 July Weekender Art Guide) Edinburgh Festival, Velazquaz, National Gallery Edinburgh, Arthur Melville, Bourne Fine Art Edinburgh, Helen Chadwick, Portfolio Gallery Edinburgh
27 July Weekender Art Guide Pam Carter, Wilson Gallery Drymen, Martin Parr, Portfolio Gallery Edinburgh, Annette Heyer, Street Level Glasgow
28 July Book review, Jan Steen by Chapman, Kloek and Wheelock
29 July Jane Myers, Terra Nova Glasgow, Platform, Glasgow Print Studios, Java Comics Glasgow
1 August Whos Who for Art, Edinburgh Festival
3 August Weekender Art Guide) Peacock 21, Aberdeen Art Gallery, David Livingstone, Royal Scottish Academy Edinburgh, Summer Show, Art Exposure Glasgow
4 August Book review, In the Light of Italy Corot and Early Air Painting, by Conisbee, Faunce, Strick
5 August Weekender Art Guide) Studio Group, Livingston Centre Blantyre, Silver Linings, Designs Gallery Castle Douglas, Catch the Moments, Gracefeild Arts Centre Dumfries, The Hidden Heart, The Burrell Glasgow
5 August Monday art feature: Sheepfolds, Andy Goldsworthy; Kate Whiteford.
10th aug FESTIVAL listings
10 August (for Festival Extra) Five Must See Art Shows
12 August Edinburgh Festival Art, Reckoning with the Past, Fruitmarket Edinburgh
15 August Edinburgh Festival Diary
17 August Weekender Art Guide) Time and Tide, Fisheries Museum Anstruther, George Baselitz, Glasgow Print Studio
19 August Callum Innes, Inverleith House Edinburgh
19 August Eduardo Paolozzi, Talbot Rice Edinbrugh
22 August Willie Rodger, Open Eye Gallery Edinburgh
20 August Book review, Velazquez in Seville by David Davies and Enriqueta Harris
21 August Alexander Goudie, Freemason's Hall Edinburgh
22 August House for art Lover Glasgow
22 August Off the Drawing Board, Royal Fine Art Commission Edinburgh
23 August Pradip Malde, Edinburgh College of Art
23 August Arthur Melville, Bourne Fine Art Edinburgh
24 August Weekender Art Guide) Sue Beach, Green Gallery Aberfoyle, Adrian Wiszinewski, Original Print Shop Glasgow, From the Dark Room, Peter Potter Gallery Haddington
25 August Jimmy Boyle, St Mary's School Edinburgh
26 August Networking, Edinburgh College of Art
26 August Monday: Alberto Morrocco, Scottish Gallery Edinburgh, Adrian Wiszinewski, Talbot Rice Edinburgh
25 August William Geissler, Edinburgh College of Art
22 August Peacock 21, Aberdeen Art Gallery
25 aug Hits
26 August Book review, Japan's Golden Age Momoyama, by Money L Hickman
27 August (for The Guardian) David Donaldson Obituary
28 August Speaking Likeness, Scottish National Portrait Gallery Edinburgh
August Helen Chadwick, Portfolio Gallery Edinburgh
31 aug sat weekender art guide
august book review, Velaquez in Seville
2 September Monday art feature: Festival Recriminations, Edinburgh
4 September Tim Clifford, new Gallery of Scottish Art and Design plans
5 September Sheepfolds Andy Goldsworthy; Year of Visual Art UK,
7 September Weekender Art Guide) Foote watt and Woodside, Green Gallery Aberfoyle, Barbara Balmer, Kingfisher Gallery Edinburgh, Kartell, InHouse Glasgow
9 September Glasgow International Festival of Design
12 September Film Culture, Tramway, Mark Lewis, Pierre Bismuth, Bruce Mclean
12 September Autumn Art Shows, Anne Redpath, Gallery of Modern Art Glasgow, David Roberts, Scottish National Portrait Gallery Edinburgh, Dance of Death, Glasgow Print Studio
14 September Weekender Art Guide) Stuart Beaty, Open Eye Gallery Edinburgh, George Gilbert, Gatehouse Gallery Glasgow, Victoria Morton, Transmission Gallery Glasgow
15 September (for catalogue) June Carey, Billcliffe Gallery Glasgow
16 September Glasgow International Festival of Design Part 2 ; students/cuts/GSA. Scotland Street Museum
16 September Glasgow International Festival of Design Part 2 ; students/cuts/GSA. Scotland Street Museum
21 September Weekender Art Guide) Archipelago, Maclaurian Gallery, Scottish Print Open, Edinburgh Printmakers
21 September Empress & the Architect, by Dimitri Shvidkovsky
23 September Northern Region UK Year, Anthony Gormley, Angel of the North; City of Design 99.
28 September Weekender Art Guide) Matisse, Maclaurin Gallery Ayr, Peter Russell, East Kilbride Centre, Louise Ritchie, Compass Gallery Glasgow
29 September Peter Blake profile ; National Gallery London
5 October Inner Necessity, Talbot Rice Gallery Edinburgh, Mark Ianson, Compass Gallery Glasgow
7 October Monday feature: Kerry Stewart, Moyna Flannigan, CCA Glasgow
12 October Book review, 20th Century Art Book, by Phaidon
12 October Weekender Art Guide) Jock MacInnes, Maclaurin Gallery Ayr, Ivy Wu Gallery, Royal Museum Edinburgh, Julie Roberts, Glasgow Print Studios
14 October Robert Mapplethorpe, Hayward Gallery London
19 October Weekender Art Guide) Equinox, Courtyard Gallery Crail, Passing Out, Royal Museums Edinburgh
21 October House for Art Lover Charles Rennie Mackintosh/ colour back pg.
24 October Manifesto International Festival of Design, Edinburgh Norway; Peter Wilson.
26 October Book review, The Colour of Sculpture 1840-1910 by Andreas Bluhm
26 October Herald Weekender Art Guide) Jane Hyslop, Open Eye Gallery Edinburgh, Josef Herman, Gerber Fine Art Glasgow
28 October Ivy Wu Gallery, Royal Scottish Museum Edinburgh
28 October Weekender Art Guide) Anne Redpath, Gallery of Modern Art Edinburgh, John Cunningham, Art Club Glasgow
4 November Anne Redpath, Scottish National Gallery Edinburgh
5 November State of the Nation, funding and city of architecture and design Glasgow
8 November John Cunningham, Glasgow Art Club
8 November Ken Currie, RAAB Gallery London
8 nov Tafners letter re CRM New York
8 nov Copenhagan European City of Culture 1996.
9 November Weekender Art Guide) Archie Forrest, Scottish Gallery Edinburgh, Royal Glasgow Institute, McLellan Galleries Glasgow, Chris Allen, Huntarian Gallery Glasgow
11 November Josef Herman profile, colour.
12 November Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Metropolitan Museum New York
18 November Archibald Know, Huntarian Gallery Glasgow
19 November MacMillan Fund Art Show, Strathclyde Arts CentrM
20 Nov Big Feature: Charles Rennie Mackintosh, the Met, New York.
22 November Copenhagen 1996 City of Culture
22 November Books of the Year - for Xmas.
23 November Herald Weekender Art Guide: Ian Fleming, Aberdeen Art Gallery, Rodney Dickson, Seagate Gallery Dundee, Kenneth Dingwall, Talbot Rice Gallery Edinburgh
23 November Book review, Art of the Celts by Lloyd and Jennifer Laing
30 November Weekender Art Guide: BP Portrait Award, Aberdeen Art Gallery, Hong Kong, City Arts Centre Edinburgh, Chrismas Show, Glasgow Print Studios
30 November Book review, The Sculpture of David Nash, by Julian Andrews
2 Dec Copenhagan, City of Culture 1996.
7 December Weekender Art Guide: Absolut Blue & White, Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Warrior Tombs, The Burrell G.
9 December Jenny Saville, Paul McPhail profile
11 December Douglas Gordon wins Turner Prize
14 December Herald Weekender Art Guide: MFA Degree Show, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art Dundee, Northern Lights, Fruitmarket Gallery Edinburgh
14 December David Mach, Glasgow subway commissions
16 December Don and Eleanor Taffner profile
16 December Tom Eccles profile
17 December Letter from America: Transmission Glasgow, Tramway Glasgow, Douglas Gordon, Christine Borland, Jackie Donachie, Martin Boyce
17 December The GLASGOW MIRACLE emanates from GSA & Glasgow's Transmission Gallery: Clare Henry in The Herald. 1996.
19 December Christmas Theme Exhibitions
21 December Herald Weekender Art Guide: Aladdin’s Cave, Open Eye Gallery Edinburgh, Christmas Show, Compass Gallery Glasgow
27 December Best of 1996 Clare Henry Oscars, Douglas Gordon, Elspeth King, Barbara Rae, Chris Frayling, David Shrigley
28 December Herald Weekender Art Guide: W J Connon, Aberdeen Art Gallery, Freedom, McManus Gallery Dundee
28 December Book review, Picasso and the Spanish Tradition, by Jonathan Brown
December Art People to Watch in 1997: Douglas Gordon, William Barnes Graham, Bruce McLean, Paul McPhail, Paul Nesbit, Jackie Donachie